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We have new leadership...

Writer's picture: Kathryn MorganKathryn Morgan

I would like to stress at the outset of this blogpost, that this is not a political debate. It is not even a politically driven piece but we have to acknowledge that change has been implemented this week, after the general election and it will affect us all.

I like change. Yes, I find it a challenge, but mostly I feel excited by it and motivated to explore new ideas and the opinions of others.

However, change is not always comfortable or welcomed by everyone. In order to get used to the changes imposed upon is in life, we need to reflect perhaps on how things were and how the changes will affect not only ourselves but those who we interact with.

I'll give you a silly little example:

Recently there was a change in ownership of a shop which housed my local post office. As a result, the shop (and so the Post Office too) was closed for refurbishment and refitting. How was I going to manage? Well I'd have to make the 3-mile journey into town to use the Post Office there. Yes, I could take advantage of the Royal Mail collection service to send my parcels, but this is not always the best way for me to send parcels, the reasons for which I will not go in to.

It was during a visit to my hairdresser, and a conversation regarding the temporary closure of my usual Post Office, that I discovered the existence of facilities nearer my home. Don't you find out everything via the hairdresser? :-)

So, off I went to the newly discovered Post Office: there is a free carpark, the use of a local grocery store and all within half a mile from home. Result: a change in my behaviour - I now use the new Post Office all the time instead of the old one. But, at least now I know I have the choice of 2 establishments to use without going into town and paying extortionate parking fees!

I can hear you asking what is the point of my rambling? (I thought you'd be used to me rambling by now!)

So, here goes

  1. We think sometimes that there is only one way to do things, when the truth is that there's always an alternative.

  2. Regular routine becomes a habit and challenging our habits, whether wilfully or out of necessity, is not always a bad thing. Indeed it can lead to changes for the better.

  3. There is often a sense of loss when we are "forced" to change our routines or methods, and this can cloud our judgement regarding the new regime. Phrases like "it's just not the same" or "it's not as good as it used to be" may be heard, when very possibly, the new is better than the old - it's just a matter of us adjusting and admitting that to ourselves.

We, as a community of stitchers and crafters have experienced change in the last few months: your current membership is no more and Creative Friends (CFs) has been born.

Let's have a little look at the reality of this change:

  • A more affordable subscription: the price has reduced from up to £6.99 per month to only £2.50 per month. Hurrah!

  • No more regular monthly pattern. Is that a Boo I hear? Just read on...

  • No more "guaranteed" Thursday night live on FB. Boo again?

  • At least 5 patterns have been released since the advent of CFs. All of these have been introduced into the website shop at a lower price and then, all of them have had up to 50% discount added for CF members.

  • There has been at least 1 FaceBook live EVERY week, either in the CFs group or on Lizzy's page, since the "guaranteed" Thursday night lives in the group finished.

  • There have been 4 workshops launched with Lizzy, taking us up to the Autumn, ALL of which carry a discount of at least 20% off for Creative Friends.

  • There have been numerous (I've genuinely lost count) patterns added to the Creative Friends page of the website over the last 3 months, which were (and some still are) available as free downloads.

And lastly, have you seen the newest FB post scheduling all that is happening in July? Here's a paraphrased version of the post: Monday 8th July - Lizzy Curtis page for charity quilt No 13 Friday 12th July - Workshop with Lizzy - Needle punch Monday 15th July - Lizzy Curtis page for charity quilt No 14 Thursday 18th July in CF - Coverstitch v Overlocker Thursday 25th July in CF - Kath with a fab demo! Possibly more on the LC page, and in the middle of that our Kath will also be doing another Facebook live too! Just firming up on dates, so you're going to be busy!

Now just so you understand, this is not a marketing blogpost!

So what is it?

This is a blogpost about change and how we sometimes get so bogged down with the feelings of loss for the old ways, we overlook the very positive ways in which the changes have affected us. This happens in all walks of life and it is a very human trait to feel that we were comfortable in our old little "rut".

The changes that give us more freedom to choose, for instance dare I say, the change to CFs, have to be for the best don't they?

The changes that mean we still have great value for money (some would say even better value) are definitely to be embraced.

The changes that preserve our community spirit (and improve it), maintain our precious resources - learning, enjoyment, fulfilment and fun, and continue to provide support, encouragement and friendship, are the changes that are most important.

Let us move forward in our fabulous community.

Let us take on the challenges and yes, sometimes the feelings of uncertainty surrounding change, we're all in it together.

Let us be adaptable and flexible, supporting each other and continuing to learn together.

On a very personal note, I have to say that I love our Creative Friends Community. I have learned (and continue to learn) so much from so many. I have made true friends and enjoyed so many experiences that I never would have had the opportunity to share.

Well, hasn't this been a different blogpost? No photos, no real new news to impart, no looking back on what's happened specifically in the last month and no predictions about the future. Instead, a reminder that we all have the ability to adapt, we have the ability to analyse the benefits and adopt new things, and we are all here for each other.

A complete and successful change!

See you next month,

Kath x

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7 comentarios

Gillian Beckett
Gillian Beckett
15 jul 2024

Thank you Kath I loved reading your blog and fully agree and understand where you are coming from. Covid came and distrupted all our lives which made us change and it seems we have adapted to change remarkably well I love the CF community as I did with all of Lizzys changes and all for the better I value Lizzys and your expertise as I am learning new ways of doing things all the time. A BIG thank you to you both and your admin team xxxxx

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Wendy Chapman
09 jul 2024

I enjoyed reading the Blog. I was one of the ‘not sure’ brigade but am enjoying CF. I have signed up for the workshops and will complete in due course. I find the presentations/demonstrations by both Lizzy and Kath a pleasure to watch and the side stories are often very entertaining. Keep up the good work please 👍👍

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09 jul 2024

Great blog well written Kath . Yes changes are hard as we get older . I am 78 now but just aim to get on with it what ever changes challenges come my way. Loving creative friends and live fb from Lizzy and you . 🧵🪡🧵

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08 jul 2024

Really great blog Kath! As we get older things seem to change and it takes a while to feel comfortable about what’s happening but reading your blog has really helped. I’m pleased to say I am very happy with CF and looking forward to starting to create my Cabin Fever which I’ve had to put aside as hubby has been very ill but thankfully on the mend now. However, I haven’t yet come to terms with losing our outstanding MP by only 214 votes! Never mind that’s life !

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A very thought provocting post Kath. I think when we get older (pushing 80) we feel a little afraid of change, can we cope with it, will we understand it, especially if it involves technology, a little bit of ‘better the devil we know’. From a personal point of view, since the death of my husband 6 months ago, I have had to cope with a lot of changes. Yes I have been upset, even angry at having to cope with all these changes, but I am still standing and have got through it mostly.

It is the same with our Creative friends group. It was hard not to think oh it is Monday so I need to watch MI…

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