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Here we go head first into our Beach theme month with Mitty.  Perfect for keeping your hands clear of lotions and potions. For applying sun cream, body lotions, faux tan, you name it, Mitty is perfect. You could even use in the shower or bath as a funtime mitt. We are once again using the new acrylic templates, but the pattern pieces are included if you prefer. Little bit of patchwork just to make it ultra special to make.


Another fabulous Mini pattern. Please order yours today, download and save via the confirmation email you receive, or go to your account. Make a load to sell on your craft stall.  Whatever you decide is ok with us!


Please download and save to your device, or just download the pattern template (if appropriate) to save paper!  Instructions can be read from the screen, or follow along with me on the video.


Watch the YouTube video to see the project being made. 



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